Post by Megan Totka
Small businesses can support their online marketing activities through a presence on Facebook, such as a Facebook page. In fact, a survey by Hubspot found that 84 percent of respondents expect small businesses to have a presence on Facebook. If you don’t have a page for your small business yet, it’s past time. Don’t underestimate the importance of a Facebook page and growing your community — you can use Facebook to promote your business on a daily basis.
Growing your business does have its challenges, especially as more and more businesses are creating pages and competing for likes. There are many ways businesses fail on social media. Instead of letting that happen, take a look at these 7 ways to generate a Facebook following and convert likes into more business.
Add photos and videos
Facebook has an easy-to-use photo and video upload function – so take advantage of it. Show off your small business, the products you sell and the services you offer. Use it to connect with your fans, too, through videos of yourself and your team and answer common questions with video how-tos.
Ask a question
Use the status updates function to get your fans talking by asking a question. Consider true/false questions or ask for advice so people have the opportunity to chance and help or give their opinion.
Keep in relevant
It’s great to focus on your small business, yet it’s smart to inject some personality to your page by posting and sharing off-topic from time to time. Focus mostly on what is happening within your business and aim to share primarily relevant content for your audience.
Promote your small business Facebook page
Include your Facebook page URL on your website, blog, business cards and even your email signature. Add it to marketing materials you distribute, too. You need to tell people about your page and encourage them to visit it if you want to grow your following.
Be consistent
Have a consistent presence on Facebook; don’t disappear for weeks. This doesn’t mean you have to be logged on and engaging your followers 24/7, it just means your fans need to know that you are there. Take the time to answer questions and participate in conversations with your community. Set a schedule for posting and don’t sway away from it.
Blog about your Facebook page
Chances are you have a small business blog. Make sure you mention your Facebook page in a blog post. Explain the benefits of liking your page and joining your community. Whether you are promoting your business at a local level or targeting people around the country, consider offering incentives for people who like your page. Good ideas are a one-time coupon or special deal unique for your followers only.
Get involved
It’s smart to like other Facebook pages that are related to your industry. Take the time to join in discussions on those pages. It will get people who are interested in your industry to notice your business and likely head to your page and like it, too.
You may have a solid marketing strategy, but it’s really important to make sure you’re an effective Facebook marketer. Facebook is home to millions of active small-business pages, so it’s smart to take some steps to ensure your page doesn’t get lost in the shuffle.
How do you get your small business Facebook page noticed?
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