Post by Will Moss Trying to get your mobile app to stand out among millions of other apps is a tall order. And focusing on just one channel to market your app doesn’t make a lot of sense, especially when there are so many different channels to choose from. Social media app install campaigns, in-app […]
The inevitable rise of native advertising
Native advertising has come of age. If you’re not familiar with the concept, native advertising is similar to “advertorials,” designed to be entertaining enough in its own right to compel visitors to share the content.
Social media may not be 100% free for much longer
Here’s a look at social marketing sites that are moving away from offering free services and passing the cost on to business users. As a result, it makes sense to rely on supporters’ genuine enthusiasm rather than rely on paid distribution.
How social media has changed TV advertising
Watching television isn’t simply a matter of watching television anymore, and advertisers are taking note. People used to interact with TV through water cooler conversations about football games and plot twists, but the market has become increasingly segmented, and advertisers are now aiming to engage consumers through their viewing patterns — and social media habits.
How I shamelessly abuse social media to my advantage
When you’re a journalist, blogger, or an influential person, you wield a megaphone. Even if you’re not one of those, running Facebook ads gives you that same power for a few dollars.