Ijust got my hands on a Guru subscription to SEMRush so I haven’t had a lot of time to figure it out. SEMRush delivers Google Analytics, Google Webmasters, Buffer, HootSuite, Moz, and SpyFu in one powerful and useful SEO and SEM dashboard.
Free ebook: 58 annoying communications that must end
Every year we write a post listing our least favorite communication annoyances. Download the free ebook and here is what we’ve learned from writing these articles, and how people have responded to them.
Worst business advice given to women founders
At the Women 2.0 Founder Friday event at Google, I asked attendees about the worst business advice they’ve ever received. Here are their answers.
What we’re really doing during a conference call
Here is some of my coverage of the 2012 TechCrunch Disrupt conference in San Francisco where I was reporting for Dice and Dice News. Ugh! Not another conference call. Many of us are not so attentive when it comes to our participation or even listening on a conference call. At the 2012 TechCrunch Disrupt conference […]
Embarrassing moments in social media
Whether posting something public what you meant to DM (hello Anthony Weiner) or letting drunken photos of you get posted to Facebook, we’ve all done stupid things in social media. Check out our 2-minute roundup of some embarrassing tales.