Photo by Oriol Lladó / Creative Commons BY NC ND Follow the tips below to speed up and clean up your site. Do you use a CDN? Do you blog? Do you optimize your images? Do you pay proper homage to the Google gods? And other tricks of the SEO trade There are so […]
Chris Abraham
Kimberly-Clark uses social quiz to woo talent
Are you an original thinker? You can quickly find out by taking the Welcome Original Thinkers Quiz (WOTQuiz)—I’m an Adaptor: “You enjoy exploring every side of an issue and like a wicked great maestro you tease out the positive in each approach. Your resourcefulness and ability to easily adapt to the latest input often makes you […]
Blog2Social: Reshare those evergreen posts
Blog2Social is a WordPress plugin that lets you queue up blog posts that will be drip-dropped across social networks over the coming weeks.
Essential tools for influencer marketing
A master roundup of social marketing tools of the trade that marketers can use to stoke excitement about brands and clients.
How visuals can get you that click on Google
Google loves structured data. One way to make things even clearer is to take advantage of structured data that Google understands immediately: events, reviews, recipes, etc.