Yesterday I asked if earned media was a thing of the past and whether payola, pay-per-post, pay-per-link, sponsored posts, and site sponsorship were the new de facto in digital PR. That post generated some responses, so here’s the back-and-forth on the topic.
Cluetrain Manifesto
Keep blogging even after you fracking hate it
There’s no reason to ever let your blog go fallow. Unlike leaving farmland unsown for a period in order to restore its fertility as part of a crop rotation, there’s no benefit in ignoring your blog. To be honest, it really doesn’t matter what you do to keep your blog running on a daily basis, […]
Your followers care about you, but do you care?
In a time of personal need, many of my 47,000 followers on Twitter and my 4,800 friends on Facebook came to my emotional aid. This provides a good reminder as to why social media is not just strategy or tactic, it is also a meaningful culmination of people engaging with each other in sometimes very human and powerful — loving — ways.
The quantum method of reaching out to bloggers
Look for the cumulative power of the long tail My long tail blogger outreach strategy is periodically challenged or criticized as being too aggressive. The argument generally goes as follows: If you send thousands of email pitches to topically and demographically relevant bloggers and online influencers in one go, you’re spamming. The real way […]
Can PR leave behind magical thinking for science?
Is your social media marketing campaign relying too much on magical realism and the power of positive thinking vs. metrics and hard data? While having a hypothesis is important, allowing the empirical data to realign your initial predictions is essential.