Community building still matters for startups, small businesses and brands. Two experts talked about how community building works inside an organization.
Build a better company by building an online community
Photo by Susanne Nilsson on Flickr (CC BY SA) Or, how to build an awesome brand that takes flight This article originally appeared on Moz and is republished with permission. Posted by Mackenzie Fogelson CEO, Mack Web Solutions Every day, things are changing in search engine optimization. If you’re not already working on adapting, today’s the […]
Does your online business community need a moderator or manager?
If your business has an online community or forum, you may need the help of a moderator or manager. Here’s how to understand the difference between the two, what they do and how they can help you.
What makes an online community work
How to build an online community? That’s up to your community. Your first 10 members will define your 100 will define your 1,000 will define your 1,000,000. So invite your early members carefully.
Should you hire a social media community manager?
The idea of deputizing someone else to act on your behalf in an official capacity is a time-honored tradition. Why then, is it so controversial in social media? Chris Abraham says that hiring someone to speak and respond on your behalf on social media is perfectly fine.