Here’s an infographic, based on App Annie forecasts, that shows where the most growth is coming from in the app industry in 2016 and beyond for both the iOS and Android platforms.
Trends for 2015: Light apps, unbundled experiences
These days, the latest trend is apps becoming ‘‘light.’’ With unbundling becoming a growing trend, we’re starting to see more and more specialized apps with unique advantages.
From telephone party lines to social media
Photo credit: CC-BY, weelakeo, Flickr The way we communicate is in transition Target audience: Marketing professionals, SEO specialists, PR pros, analysts, brand managers, businesses, educators, journalists. There was a time when social media meant a telephone party line. Phones have come a long way since then, especially the introduction of hand-held cellular phones that could […]
InContext: The coming onrush of contextual devices
Takeaways from InContext 2014, where speakers discussed the Next Big Thing in mobile: contextual awareness. The idea, in short, is this: You give people what they want when they want it without them asking for it.