Here’s a recap of my participation in a virtual reality speaker series put on by High Fidelity, including a discussion of VR, AR and predictions for the future.
Virtual worlds
Your followers care about you, but do you care?
In a time of personal need, many of my 47,000 followers on Twitter and my 4,800 friends on Facebook came to my emotional aid. This provides a good reminder as to why social media is not just strategy or tactic, it is also a meaningful culmination of people engaging with each other in sometimes very human and powerful — loving — ways.
Round two for forums and message boards?
The problem with most social media marketing agencies is that we’re fickle. We tend to keep rushing into the future, adopting anything and everything hot and new and overlooking the rest. In our constant hunger for the latest and greatest, we have mostly abandoned working class heroes like forums and message boards, preferring exciting new […]
Can PR leave behind magical thinking for science?
Is your social media marketing campaign relying too much on magical realism and the power of positive thinking vs. metrics and hard data? While having a hypothesis is important, allowing the empirical data to realign your initial predictions is essential.
The new Second Life reinvents itself
Linden Lab CEO Mark Kingdon and me chatting At the end of this past June, I wrote a simple blog post for DigitalNext addressing why I personally believe that the current hype around Twitter will be more sustainable than the short-lived Second Life craze. Bottom line, “Twitter is light, cheap, open and permanent, whereas Second […]