Well, my preconceptions were wrong. Gamers are not snot-nosed teens, they are their parents. I am spot in the middle of the true gamer demographic at 41, according to CNet, A child’s hobby? Average gamer is 37 years old. According to the organization, which represents the game industry, the average gamer today is 37 years […]
Youth culture
Aren’t we all a little narcissistic and Internet addicted?
New study doesn’t distinguish between flaws and healthy behavior I‘ve long believed that the Internet exists solely because of our ego. Everything we do publicly online is an effort to be acknowledged. This week, two stories pointed out the frighteningly obvious: That students who use social networks are narcissistic and that a center for Internet […]
Unigo: Student-powered college advice
At South By Southwest Interactive in Austin Texas, earlier this month — inside the bloggers lounge — I ran into Julia Kaganskiy, the social media and community manager for Unigo.com. If you haven’t heard of Unigo, you will. It’s a crowdsourced college guide that offers honest appraisals of life at hundreds of U.S. colleges, including […]
Mashup culture and social media
Just left the final session of Remix/Mashup 2009: The Future of Creative Production and Ownership at Ohio State’s Moritz College of Law, which explored the implications of mashup and remix in the world of Web 2.0. They reached out to me last fall and I couldn’t resist flying out — this was the first conference […]
Middle schoolers as citizen reporters
Just watched the Inauguration and inaugural address. I’ll let the blogosphere’s version of the punditocracy dissect it (I’ve confined my remarks to Twitter.) Meantime, back in the social media/citizen media space: Taking the media into your own hands has filtered down to the middle school level. I bumped into the reporting team from the Santa […]