Big Data represents disruptive new technologies that capture and track customer information. The data is a goldmine for your business if you know how to use it correctly.
big data
Data integration! Key for a successful marketing campaign
Data integration is the key to a successful marketing campaign. Are your organization’s departments all on the same page? Target audience: Marketing professionals, SEO specialists, PR pros, brand managers, businesses, nonprofits, educators, Web publishers, journalists. Post by Andrew Lisa Data integration is a concept that every smart business is familiar with, and for marketing professionals, […]
Book review: ‘Age of Context’ captures the pulse of new tech
Book review of “The Age of Context” by Robert Scoble and Shel Israel. The authors contextualize what they call the “five forces” in this megatrend: mobile, sensor devices, social media, big data and location-based technologies. These forces add up to a formidable package, one that deserves scrutiny far beyond the boundaries of greater Silicon Valley, where much of the action takes place.
9 social media predictions & business recommendations for 2013
The social media landscape has undergone enormous changes in recent years. With 2013 fast approaching, we thought this would be a good time to offer our forecasts into what the next year may hold in store for social media, mobile, social businesses and more.
Remove those regrettable online reputation tattoos
The way you feel now about all those photos of you at the beach, in your suit, body-proud, tanned and drinking — liberation and joy — may end up making you feel completely different in your near future — trapped and ashamed. No matter how young you may be, reading these words, you need to […]