Now that the table has been set, what’s next for geolocation? Is it all about Foursquare, Yelp, yawn and go home? I don’t think so. Instead, we’re seeing geolocation begin to splinter into niches and verticals.
Are you ready for the place graph?
For years, entrepreneurs, tech observers and funders have known two things about the geolocation space: It holds an enormous amount of promise, and it’s taking an awfully long time to get there. Here’s a look back at pioneering geolocation site Platial and the current state of geoloco apps, sites and services.
9 social media predictions & business recommendations for 2013
The social media landscape has undergone enormous changes in recent years. With 2013 fast approaching, we thought this would be a good time to offer our forecasts into what the next year may hold in store for social media, mobile, social businesses and more.
Why you, too, should be social media slutty
If you call yourself a social media marketer and you’re not completely promiscuous about it, you’re not serving yourself, your boss, or your clients. If you’re not constantly downloading new apps or registering for every single new social network, you’re slacking. If you don’t endlessly click YES when it asks you if you want to search for or invite your friends, you’re derelict in your duties.
Why can’t I share to Google+ from my apps?
Now that I have my iPhone wired for sound, I do a majority of my tweeting and facebooking through the apps that I use. I use Instagram, which connects to my Twitter, Facebook, Flickr, Tumblr, Posterous, and FourSquare account. I use Hipstamatic and it connects and posts to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, and Flickr, I use Posterous and it will cross-post to Twitter and Facebook.