It seems like nothing is safe from our love affair with newness. In the coming years, cars will relieve us of the burden of sitting behind the wheel and smart refrigerators will relieve us of the worry of remembering to pick up milk.
Google wants your business to invest in community engagement
Search has changed dramatically in just a few short years. Google now penalizes sites that are buying links or are invested in private blog networks. Here are the most recent developments.
Promote your book with influencer marketing
Here’s a presentation on how to promote your book (or your client’s book) by engaging online influencers and targeting bloggers not on the A-List.
One dashboard to rule them all
Collect all of your disparate web apps, services, feeds & APIs into one place Target audience: marketing professionals, SEO specialists, PR pros, brand managers, businesses, nonprofits, educators, Web publishers, journalists. One of the great white whales for social media marketing is cracking the B2B code. Social media automation is another Moby Dick. Bringing it all together […]
Don’t believe what Google tells you about search
For the vast majority of Web publishers, bloggers and businesses who just want to create content and have it read, SEO techniques still matter a great deal. So ignore what Google has been telling you and pay attention to these search techniques that still work.