Instead of just building up brand equity, try reaching out to your networks to help you progress. People don’t enjoy being a sheep in a flock so much as they prefer to be a member of your community. Learn how to create a community that is durable through leveraging your connections.
YouTube’s role in citizen journalism
Olivia Ma on YouTube as a news channel from JD Lasica on Vimeo. During the recent annual conference of the Online News Association in San Francisco, I had a chance to sit down (literally on the floor) with Olivia Ma, news manager in YouTube’s News & Politics team. YouTube is in the news again this […]
5 ways NPR beat the rest
The sweet, calming voice and gentle, nerdy humor of NPR radio is like home to me, like it is to a lot of people. I remember those comfy moments, driving around and listening to ‘All Things Considered.’ I’m guessing it’s the same way kids felt in the ’50s when their favorite radio personalities graced the […]
NPR’s experiments with social media
NPR’s experiments with social media from JD Lasica on Vimeo. Andy Carvin, social media strategist for, has spent the past several years experimenting with innovative approaches to the news. As the head of National Public Radio’s social media desk, he’s been given a sandbox to foster high-quality journalism using social tools in an age […]
NPR tackles social media
At the WeMedia conference in Miami last week, I finally had the chance to meet Andy Carvin in person. Andy’s a longtime blogger, podcaster and all-around smart guy. He’s now helping National Public Radio devise its social media strategy. In this 8-minute video interview, he talks about "NPRness" and the challenges of bringing social media […]