Takeaways from InContext 2014, where speakers discussed the Next Big Thing in mobile: contextual awareness. The idea, in short, is this: You give people what they want when they want it without them asking for it.
robert scoble
When journalists trade newsrooms for business storytelling
Journalists are increasingly leaving newsrooms and traditional news organizations and have begun taking their storytelling skills to the business world, particularly tech firms.
Book review: ‘Age of Context’ captures the pulse of new tech
Book review of “The Age of Context” by Robert Scoble and Shel Israel. The authors contextualize what they call the “five forces” in this megatrend: mobile, sensor devices, social media, big data and location-based technologies. These forces add up to a formidable package, one that deserves scrutiny far beyond the boundaries of greater Silicon Valley, where much of the action takes place.
Google Glass: A revolutionary advance
Google Glass is changing the face of technology. Robert Scoble his reviews based on his experience as a wearer.
10 ways to improve Twitter lists
The brilliance of Twitter lists and suggestions for making them more powerful In my opinion Twitter is the best tool we have today to engage with others, spread a message, network, meet other likeminded people, and stay on top of the news, in any industry. The only aspect I’ve always found problematic on Twitter was […]