You need to spend only 20% of the time you do on your content marketing and marketing SEO than you’re doing — at least for now. Be quick, be messy, be pedestrian, maybe even turn off your Grammatik and your Autocorrect. Churn out five-times the amount of content you’ve been writing then hit publish and walk […]
SEO? Start by adding value to your website
Quenching Google’s informational thirst will pay off for your business Target audience: Marketing professionals, SEO specialists, PR pros, brand managers, businesses, nonprofits, educators, Web publishers, journalists. Imet my buddy Adam Viener for breakfast the other morning at the Silver Diner in Reston, Va. This is something we do seasonally. Adam is an AdWords guru, par […]
Google Hummingbird tries to remove the masks
Google’s Hummingbird attempts to tear the mask from hucksters, hustlers, spammers, charismatic leaders, and demagogues. With Google’s latest algorithm update, Google aspires to become a professional matchmaker, doing the background check, the profile due diligence, the assurance of compatibility required to make sure that you don’t waste your time.
Keep blogging even after you fracking hate it
There’s no reason to ever let your blog go fallow. Unlike leaving farmland unsown for a period in order to restore its fertility as part of a crop rotation, there’s no benefit in ignoring your blog. To be honest, it really doesn’t matter what you do to keep your blog running on a daily basis, […]
Max SEO with 8 simple Google+ steps
Get the most out of Google+ with these eight simple steps to help you gain the best search visibility. Get higher real-time web search ranking results in Google Search and optimize your SEO with a G+ strategy.