It seems like nothing is safe from our love affair with newness. In the coming years, cars will relieve us of the burden of sitting behind the wheel and smart refrigerators will relieve us of the worry of remembering to pick up milk.
Silicon Valley
Kimberly-Clark uses social quiz to woo talent
Are you an original thinker? You can quickly find out by taking the Welcome Original Thinkers Quiz (WOTQuiz)—I’m an Adaptor: “You enjoy exploring every side of an issue and like a wicked great maestro you tease out the positive in each approach. Your resourcefulness and ability to easily adapt to the latest input often makes you […]
Lean Startup: Highlights, photos & takeaways
Highlights, photos and takeaways from the Lean Startup conference held in San Francisco on Dec. 9-10, 2013. Speakers included Reid Hoffman, Eric Ries, Steve Blank and others.
Photos of TechCrunch Disrupt 2013
Photos of TechCrunch Disrupt 2013.
Jeff Bezos rescues the Post from the Great Decoupling
With his purchase of the Washington Post, Jeff Bezos has rescued the paper from the Great Decoupling. Here’s why public-interest journalism can never be sustained as a profit center for a newspaper.