Marshall Kirkpatrick, CEO of Little Bird, offered suggestions on how enterprising journalists can parse data to gain a competitive advantage and how entrepreneurs can use a new set of influencer tools to identify potential champions.
social influence
The harsh reality of Twitter: Popularity counts
News flash: the more followers you have, the more likely that there will be someone paying attention to your messaging when you share your content. Find out why increasing your follower base should be a top priority for sharing and gaining clout.
5 questions for the author of ‘Trust Agents’
Chris Brogan and Julien Smith, co-authors of “Trust Agents,” at SOBcon in May. (Photo by JD Lasica) It’s always cool to see one of your friends hit the best-seller list, and that’s what just happened to Chris Brogan, the Tiger Woods of inbound marketing. Chris (@chrisbrogan on Twitter) and Julien Smith (@julien on Twitter) have […]
Social media, brands and the way forward
Your Brand, Their World: Brand Relationships in a Social Media World View more presentations from Razorfish . This week I attended one of the more interesting discussions around brands’ use of social media that I’ve taken in during the past year. Your Brand, Their World at Razorfish’s corporate headquarters in San Francisco brought together a […]