How to build an online community? That’s up to your community. Your first 10 members will define your 100 will define your 1,000 will define your 1,000,000. So invite your early members carefully.
social network
Don’t overlook LinkedIn in building your new business
Is LinkedIn taking a backseat to Facebook and Twitter? Find out why using LinkedIn is important for your business, plus check out 9 ways to leverage this social network.
Your social media plan needs to shut up and start listening
I know you. You’re spending all of your social media marketing budget on promoting your brand, products, and services; that’s fine except you’ve either forgotten — or never knew — that social media is a two-way street. It is. And, something you also didn’t know: social media is two-thirds defense and monitoring — listening — […]
Your followers care about you, but do you care?
In a time of personal need, many of my 47,000 followers on Twitter and my 4,800 friends on Facebook came to my emotional aid. This provides a good reminder as to why social media is not just strategy or tactic, it is also a meaningful culmination of people engaging with each other in sometimes very human and powerful — loving — ways.
Twitter success demands both top influencers and everyone else
Many people are keeping their circles of influencers small, believing it is better to invest limited time and resources on the most influential. Find out why a wider and more open-minded audience has more positive effects than we can realize.