Here’s a presentation on how to promote your book (or your client’s book) by engaging online influencers and targeting bloggers not on the A-List.
Web search engine
How to optimize your Facebook fan page SEO
Improve your Facebook Fan Page SEO in a few steps. Read up on 7 ways you can help your Facebook page reach the top of search engine results.
Are you using updated keywords for your business?
If you don’t refer to your services in the same way that others do, you’ll be surprisingly invisible when it comes to your prospects finding you on the Internet. Know your industry buzzwords and keep your business current.
Win the online reputation land war
Online reputation management tries to replace negative results with positive & neutral entries While I concur with Vizzini, the Sicilian from the movie The Princess Bride, that one should “never get involved in a land war in Asia,” sometimes there’s no escape — and taking on Google’s search index, algorithmic prowess, and the natural results […]
Google wants me to put Google +1 buttons on my blogs
I just popped into AdSense, as I do as obsessively as anyone online, and something new popped up: Recommendations Add the +1 button to your pages Adding the +1 button to your pages allows users to recommend your content to friends and contacts on Google search. As a result, you could get more and better […]