Many hands make light online reputation work. Changing your reputation online is no small task. It’s also a house of cards. You can either do it yourself, about yourself, for yourself, or you can start the equivalent of an online reputation club, inviting friends, family, your colleagues, and your industry to start building a universe […]
The story of Intelpedia: A model corporate wiki
The home page of Intelpedia, Intel’s corporate wiki. Other companies should take a page from Intel’s collaborative workspace Wikis are the poor cousins of social media. Seldom loved, often feared, always unsexy, a wiki is simply a collaborative website that can be directly edited by anyone with access to it. At its heart, a […]
Chatting with Wikipedia’s Jimmy Wales about community
(CC) photo by Joi Ito Yesterday I wore two hats as a guest and co-host on David Mathison’s Be the Media Radio podcast on BlogTalkRadio along with Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales. The topic was online communities — how to grow, nurture and sustain them, Here’s our hourlong conversation — Jimmy Wales comes in about 20 […]
7 tips to increase your online media literacy
Is your BS detector optimized to deal with the new realities of democratic media? It’s become a truism that we’re all media creators now, from bloggers and podcasters to the most wet-behind-the-feathers Twitterer. Along with the new freedom to create comes more responsibility: The new media ecosystem places an increased burden on all of us […]
The social side of Skittles
The average site for a popular consumer product is: A. Slick with a high level of “production values.” B. Made in Flash. C. About as socially engaging as a log. Skittles changes all that in one go by essentially giving up on having a site of its own. If you go to skittles.comyou see a realtime Twitter […]