When you have a website, sometimes you’ll get the urge to add or change something in the middle of the night. Rather than waking up and walking across your place to the PC, you choose to roll over and grab your tablet. The only problem, though, is that browsers for tablets are pretty clunky, and there’s no real easy way to do what you need to do. Here are a few web development apps that can give you a hand.
Which blog platform is best for your business?
Which blogging platform is best suited to your business needs? We run down the best choices: Tumblr, SquareSpace, Xanga, Weebly, LiveJournal, WordPress, and Blogetery.
How to go from student to master of your domain
You don’t necessarily need 10,000 hours of practice and experience in social media to be considered a pro; you just need to know more than the person who hires you! Learn why engaging and doing can get you far.
Turn your website into your social media brand HQ
None of us own anything we do or create through our social networks. Upgrade your website to be more than just a landing page; learn how — and why — it can be your communications and engagement hub.
Social media success demands talent above technology
It’s more than just technology that will elicit success. Hiring and training people based on their ability to write, and their ability to connect and engage people is key. While technology has moved things forward, human relationships are still fundamental.