Many brands are boosting their investments in social business platforms, but CMOs are too often focused on next quarter’s numbers, failing to insulate themselves against platforms’ business risks. Find out how brand execs can insulate themselves by moving to make their relationships and networks portable.
Facebook will remain king, but social pure plays will fade
Facebook will remain the dominant popular social network in many markets for many years, and it won’t have to worry about being “displaced” by another social network the way that it displaced MySpace. In the near term, this lack of competition will give the company some breathing room, but a more daunting threat awaits: the waning of social network pure plays’ influence by 2017.
Facebook’s biggest barrier to enormous wealth? Trust
Image by RedKoala on BigStockPhoto Why Facebook will find it hard to monetize the social graph This is first of a three-part series on Facebook as an investment. Coming up: • Facebook will remain king, but social pure plays will fade • Brands: How to cut your exposure to Facebook business risk If Facebook’s […]
How sales and marketing can collaborate in social business
Sales and marketing sit on the edge of a massive disruption, and B2B professionals who realize it and act will reap enormous rewards. In a nutshell, the economics of “one-to-one” communications are networked now, which gives Sales huge new leverage. Meanwhile, Marketing has the opportunity to personalize its function in myriad ways.
Customer service is the new marketing
In most brand organizations, marketing investments rest on 20th century marketing principles whose results are diminishing every year. At the same time, an increasing portion of products and services are commoditizing, which puts more pressure on marketing to “create” differentiation and value. In many cases, there is no escape — except by changing the rules.
Here I’ll show how marketing can reinvent itself by using social business to tap a hidden gold mine. Here are the ways that CMOs can leverage digital world of mouth: