People have been using Twitter for public relations for some time, but usually in predictable (and not always effective) ways. Here are some smarter tactics for PR pros using Twitter.
20 tools to grow your business & get more productive
Juggling a million things? Check out these 20 tools to help you grow your business while increasing efficiency and productivity.
New to Twitter? 18 tips for newbies
Just getting started with Twitter? Learn the ins and outs of the Twittersphere with these 18 tips for newbies.
Why the client covenant begins early on
You’re used to leading your team to victory, yes? Find out why listening to your client and allowing them to take the lead is critical to upholding a client covenant.
5 business lessons learned from hiring a virtual assistant
Sometimes lessons can come from unexpected sources. Hiring a VA provided some valuable insight as to what helps make a consultant-client relationship really tick.