Reid Hoffman, founder of LinkedIn and Silicon Valley insider, provides rich insight into technology trends, markets and building companies. Christopher Rollyson attended his presentation at SxSW and provided a substantial rundown. A main snippet? Web 3.0 would “arrive sooner and be stranger than we think.”
Warning signs that your company will become the next Enron
When a company is sinking, everyone knows, and everyone gets scared. They look to others for support and start agreeing with each other’s concerns. Look at company email behavior and you’ll see the problem.
Ethical guidelines for talking with your customers
2 essential tools: Disclosure Best Practices Toolkit & Social Media Policies roundup Today’s BlogWell event in San Diego offers a good time to post a summary of resources available for businesses and organizations beginning to dabble in social media. This is not the Wild, Wild West where anything goes. By now certain certain customs, ethical […]
Is it still pompous to announce, ‘I don’t have a TV’?
We’ve all had this moment. You want to talk to a friend about some great TV program you just saw. Instead of engaging or heeding your recommendation they simply announce, “I don’t have a TV.” We all know where that conversation leads. Either they’re considerate and just let it go. But more often they tell […]
BlogHer, the FTC, ethics and conflicts of interest
How BlogHer deals with reviews and conflicts of interest from JD Lasica on Vimeo. I‘ve been struck by the varying reactions to this week’s news that the Federal Trade Commission will now begin to regulate product endorsements not just in advertisements but also on blogs and other forms of social media. (PDF here; the regs […]