Here’s how to use influencer marketing to help a company or brand work with influencers to build brand visibility, tap into more markets, reach its target audience and drive sales.
Social marketing
Infographic: Video marketing made simple
Nearly half of your business prospects watch several videos a day. If you haven’t started using video marketing, here’s an infographic on how to get started.
5 ways to take your digital marketing to the next level
Post by Megan Totka Digital marketing is a must today — it’s an essential element of any modern business. If your business wants to acquire new customers, it’s vital to use the right digital marketing techniques to show off your brand and pique your customers’ interest. You also need to understand how to track your results […]
How to Increase Your Brand Awareness Via Social Media
Post by Adi Englander Social media is one of the best places to market your business as there are over 3 billion users. While marketing your business with social media, you have three options. They are traffic, sales and brand awareness. You can opt for a mixture of these, but for best results it is […]
Kimberly-Clark uses social quiz to woo talent
Are you an original thinker? You can quickly find out by taking the Welcome Original Thinkers Quiz (WOTQuiz)—I’m an Adaptor: “You enjoy exploring every side of an issue and like a wicked great maestro you tease out the positive in each approach. Your resourcefulness and ability to easily adapt to the latest input often makes you […]