If you constantly barrage your friends with RT and “please share” requests, they’re going to get irritated. Earned attention comes from an investment in your community with real returns, not just superficial social shares.
Add these 6 tools to improve your social workflow
The right apps, extensions, and software, however, have helped my social marketing efforts. Here are six tools to improve your efficiency.
The wrong and right ways to use humor on Twitter
We explore the role of humor that play in social media marketing experts’ day-to-day marketing campaigns. We also look at how humor, when used the wrong way, can hurt your campaign and anger your customers. Here are some real-world examples that can serve as a guidepost so you can avoid offending your audience.
Social media may not be 100% free for much longer
Here’s a look at social marketing sites that are moving away from offering free services and passing the cost on to business users. As a result, it makes sense to rely on supporters’ genuine enthusiasm rather than rely on paid distribution.
5 successful Twitter campaigns by brands
Here are some real-world examples of customer incentives posted on Twitter that helped increase customer loyalty and drive traffic to various businesses.