Today digital marketing is less about blasting out your message and more about convening a conversation about your product, service or cause. Here’s a look at Twtrland, a new startup that helps businesses and organizations connect with the top influencers in your sector.
Using social media to market your small business
If you’re a small business, you need to start using social media. Here are tips on how to start using LinkedIn, Google +, Twitter and other sites effectively.
How to get a cool Twitter background
This articlewill provide information about ways to add cool Twitter background designs that can be used to help brand and promote a business or website. Twitter profiles that use creative Twitter backgrounds get noticed. The background itself can draw attention and that can help your business gain new followers.
How to get 1,000 Twitter followers in 30 days
Working on getting your Twitter follower count up? Find out how to reach a broader audience on Twitter by appealing to the right groups.
The harsh reality of Twitter: Popularity counts
News flash: the more followers you have, the more likely that there will be someone paying attention to your messaging when you share your content. Find out why increasing your follower base should be a top priority for sharing and gaining clout.