Last month I had the pleasure of talking with Ezra Butler, LuckyStartups’ Israel correspondent. In our interview, Ezra and I discuss everything from my personal life and where I grew up to the services I provide as a “one-stop-shop” for startups, plus of course, let’s not forget, Ezra’s love for alcohol and chocolate. We also discuss the difference between […]
At the first Public Media Collaborative
Earlier this evening we wrapped up the kickoff meeting of the Public Media Collaborative (no website yet, private wiki coming, Facebook group here) at TechSoup in San Francisco. The idea, spawned by Susan Mernit, initially drew eight of us (folks like David Cohn, Margaret Rosas, Joyce Kim) to a restaurant last month to plan a […]
Crowdsourcing a WP tech issue
I originally intended to ask my Twitter friends for a solution to this, but I don't want to inundate them with dozens of tweets, so here's the problem I'm having: In early 2008 I created the TravelingGeeks site on WordPress in advance of our trip to Israel last April. After our return, I transfered the […]
Allvoices: a new global forum for sharing news and info
Just heard about a new citizen journalism site that launched earlier this month:, which weaves together traditional and new media sources to create a global forum for sharing news, videos, images and blogs will end its beta version and officially launch. From the announcement: Allvoices provides eyewitness news and perspective that is free from […]
Smart mobs for news participation
Social Actions from JD Lasica on Vimeo. Following is part 3 of my 3-part series on open APIs and crowdsourcing community news. Cross-posted from the IdeaLab. Part 1, Part 2. At the NetSquared conference for nonprofits in San Jose on May 27-28, one of the most intriguing projects I heard about was Social Actions, a […]