Last month I had the pleasure of talking with Ezra Butler, LuckyStartups’ Israel correspondent. In our interview, Ezra and I discuss everything from my personal life and where I grew up to the services I provide as a “one-stop-shop” for startups, plus of course, let’s not forget, Ezra’s love for alcohol and chocolate. We also discuss the difference between American and Israeli mentality, the amazing Israeli tech scene and I offer my own 2 cents to startups:
1. If you don’t know social media, don’t do it on your own! If you want to do social media on your own then read up first– if you try to do it without guidance, odds are your campaign won’t be a success. If you want to learn more about how to use social media in the right manner, a few good bloggers to read are Chris Brogan, Chris Heuer, JD Lasica and my own blog.
2. Don’t rush things! A lot of startups are being pressured by investors to launch, especially during these difficult economic times. Don’t launch until your product is at its best or you may suffer an unwarranted flop!
Watch the video above to see my full interview.
Ayelet Noff is a partner in and founder and Co-CEO of Blonde 2.0, an award winning digital PR agency with branches in Boston and Tel Aviv. Contact Ayelet via The Blonde 2.0 website , email, or follow her on Twitter and Google Plus.
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