Early coverage (I almost said “press”) of Ourmedia:
Digital-Lifestyles.info in Britain interviewed me by email today. Excerpt:
I imagine that scammers, spammers, porn merchants and ne’er do wells will be attracted to this venture like a moth to a flame.
JD Lasica: It won’t be a free for all. We have a good-sized team of moderators around the world (including Britain) who will be watching everything that’s published on the site. The two big rules are: no porn and no copyrighted material (unless it falls within the scope of what we Yanks call fair use).
We won’t be the censorship police, so we expect a wide range of media that won’t be to everyone’s tastes. For those who violate our site rules, we’ll be relying on our team of volunteer moderators to shut them down, much as Wikipedia does.
That’s not a challenge to the spammers, porn guys and copyright violators, by the way. Our FAQ says this:
Could I sneak material onto the site that isn’t mine or doesn’t belong here?
No doubt. We’ll admit that up front: we’ve reduced the barriers to entry to almost zero. So what would be the point? It would be like knocking over the neighborhood kids’ lemonade stand.
Andy Carvin at Digital Divide Network: Ourmedia Goes Live, Podcasters and Vloggers Rejoice. Excerpt:
Today is the official launch of Ourmedia.org, which I checked out over the weekend prior to the official launch. I can’t remember the last time a new website launch has had me so excited. The idea behind Ourmedia is really simple: it’s a community where anyone who creates online media – video blogs, podcasts, photos, you name it – can have a place where they can publish it and share it with others.
This may not seem like a big deal, but it really is an important step forward in the world of online citizen journalism. Now, you don’t need your own Web host to store that killer 50 meg video file you’ve just produced. Just become a member of Ourmedia, use their upload tool, and presto …
We expect more coverage later in the week.
JD Lasica, founder of Inside Social Media, is also a fiction author and the co-founder of the cruise discovery engine Cruiseable. See his About page, contact JD or follow him on Twitter.
The Global Home for Grassroots Media (2)
Meanwhile I had the chance to look around at Ourmedia “The Global Home for Grassroots Media” and it is quit impressive what is in place right on the start! Beside being a place to share video, audio, photo, text and software for free, its hosting and…
The Global Home for Grassroots Media (2)
Meanwhile I had the chance to look around at Ourmedia “The Global Home for Grassroots Media” and it is quit impressive what is in place right on the start! Beside being a place to share video, audio, photo, text and software for free, its hosting and…
The Global Home for Grassroots Media (2)
Meanwhile I had the chance to look around at Ourmedia “The Global Home for Grassroots Media” and it is quit impressive what is in place right on the start! Beside being a place to share video, audio, photo, text and software for free, its hosting and…
The Global Home for Grassroots Media (2)
Meanwhile I had the chance to look around at Ourmedia “The Global Home for Grassroots Media” and it is quit impressive what is in place right on the start! Beside being a place to share video, audio, photo, text and software for free, its hosting and…
The Global Home for Grassroots Media (2)
Meanwhile I had the chance to look around at Ourmedia “The Global Home for Grassroots Media” and it is quit impressive what is in place right on the start! Beside being a place to share video, audio, photo, text and software for free, its hosting and…
The Global Home for Grassroots Media (2)
Meanwhile I had the chance to look around at Ourmedia “The Global Home for Grassroots Media” and it is quit impressive what is in place right on the start! Beside being a place to share video, audio, photo, text and software for free, its hosting and…
The Global Home for Grassroots Media (2)
Meanwhile I had the chance to look around at Ourmedia “The Global Home for Grassroots Media” and it is quit impressive what is in place right on the start! Beside being a place to share video, audio, photo, text and software for free, its hosting and…
The Global Home for Grassroots Media (2)
Meanwhile I had the chance to look around at Ourmedia “The Global Home for Grassroots Media” and it is quit impressive what is in place right on the start! Beside being a place to share video, audio, photo, text and software for free, its hosting and…
The Global Home for Grassroots Media (2)
Meanwhile I had the chance to look around at Ourmedia “The Global Home for Grassroots Media” and it is quit impressive what is in place right on the start! Beside being a place to share video, audio, photo, text and software for free, its hosting and…
The Global Home for Grassroots Media (2)
Meanwhile I had the chance to look around at Ourmedia “The Global Home for Grassroots Media” and it is quit impressive what is in place right on the start! Beside being a place to share video, audio, photo, text and software for free, its hosting and…