I haven’t done this before, but I thought it would be interesting to list the names and affiliations of many of the people I met during the Innovation Israel trip to Israel last week. Old-fashioned business cards still come in handy:
Ido Aharoni, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Akiva Tor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Shirin Ezekiel, project manager, Asper Institute for New Media Diplomacy
David Ratner, spokesman, Rambam Health Care Campus
Nurit Naeh, director of PR, Rambam
Alex Sirota, co-founder and CTO, foxytunes
Eliezer Yaari, executive director in Israel, New Israel Fund
Niv Calderon, WiserCodes, Inc.
Kfir Pravda, Pravda Media (stories without boundaries)
Monica Cohenca, foreign relations coordinator, Globes (Israel’s business newspaper)
Isaac Shenberg, senior VP, Business Dev, Zoran
Laurent Haug, founder & CEO, LIFT Lab (Geneva)
Iri Amirav, chief marketing officer, iMedix
Barak Hachamov, founder & chairman, my6sense.com
Ayelet Noff, social marketing strategist, Blonde 2.0
Eyal Niv, managing director, Giza Venture Capital
Gil Shamy, executive director, OneVoice – Israel
Guy Eliav, CEO, blogTV.com
Yarden Leal, project manager, Peres Center for Peace
Yael Patir, assistant to director general, Peres Center for Peace
Ushi (Asher) Krausz, IT Peace Projects Unit, Peres Center
Zvika Netter, CEO & co-founder, InnoVid (In Video Advertising Real Estate)
Yael Luttwak
Yossi Vardi
Steven Katz, President & CEO, KickLight.com (in SF)
Gil Shwed, CEO, Check Point
Irvi Verbin, general manager, GoodVision
Kenny Kleinerman, customer relations, Solel
Naomi Schacter, director of development, Shatil
Ami Ben Bassat, CEO, Startup Seeds
Tikva Levine, tour guide and archeologist
Hannan Cohen, info.org.il
Erel Margalit, managing partner, Jerusalem Venture Partners (JVP VC)
Eyal Gura, CEO, PicScout (in SF)
Gary Bolles, CEO, Xigi (SF)
Moran Shwartz, team leader, search, ICQ
Or Peled, product manager, ICQ
Ornit Barkai, Tinro Media Works
Avichay Nissenbaum, CEO, Yedda
Ami B. Giniger, CEO, Taya Communications
Avi Segal, creator & founder, UnVC
Tuvia Rosenthal, CEO & co-founder, Meezoog
Steve Ruttenberg, Internet entrepreneur
Ofir Elyan, taxi van service
Ania Rivera, a GoodVision staffer from Ecuador (pictured at top)
I’m bummed because I lost my Nokia N95 cell phone on the way home, so lost my interviews with Jeff Pulver, Amalia Rosenblum and Ania Rivera.
JD Lasica, founder of Inside Social Media, is also a fiction author and the co-founder of the cruise discovery engine Cruiseable. See his About page, contact JD or follow him on Twitter.
Iri (co-founder of i says
Thanks for the personal and lovely post :-) It was fun meeting you in Israel. Hope to stay in touch. Btw – I saw that iMedix is not hyperlinked. can you please include ” target=”_blank”>http://www.imedix.com, so your readers could check it out easily?
bye bye from sunny Israel.
Iri (co-founder of iMedix) says
Thanks for the personal and lovely post :-) It was fun meeting you in Israel. Hope to stay in touch. Btw – I saw that iMedix is not hyperlinked. can you please include http://www.imedix.com, so your readers could check it out easily?
bye bye from sunny Israel.
Brian says
I am going Israel this year can wait.
Feeling hot hot hot
– Britec – http://www.britec.org.uk