I’m briefly interviewed on today’s All Things Considered from NPR. It should be online after 7:30 pm EST.
The old cliche “politics makes strange bedfellows” is proving itself true: The liberal advocacy group Moveon.org is fighting on the same side as the Christian Coalition. That may be the most headline-catching part of an issue with a notably dull name: Network Neutrality.
Advocates on both sides of the issue say the neutrality bill pending in Congress will have far-reaching implications for all Internet users.
That’s an understatement. I give a perspective on how a dual-tier Internet would adversely impact video-intensive nonprofits like Ourmedia and the Internet Archive.
JD Lasica, founder of Inside Social Media, is also a fiction author and the co-founder of the cruise discovery engine Cruiseable. See his About page, contact JD or follow him on Twitter.
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