For the past few weeks, Marc Canter and I have been working on a new project called Open Media: The Open Source Media Project. It’s time to go public.
The idea behind the Open Media project came from a confluence of two things:
– I gave a presentation at the Digital Storytelling Festival in Sedona, Ariz., in June and proposed the creation of a permanent repository for the visual Web, with digital stories as a logical first media form for inclusion. The week before the festival, I got buy-in from Brewster Kahle of the Internet Archive, who offered free storage and free bandwidth, “forever,” for the project. I registered the domain name
– Long before that, Marc Canter has been touting the notion of open standards, open platforms, open media. He explains the idea in a posting today. I cornered Marc at Supernova in June, mentioned the project, and he immediately jumped in with both feet.
Marc puts it succinctly today: “Basically we’re making sure to make it REAL easy for folks to utilize media in their everyday lives, school and work.” The goal of Open Media, really, is to foster “a Creative Commons pool of media.”
Here’s the somewhat more long-winded Mission Statement I scratched out:
We are in the midst of the greatest boon in grassroots creativity in ages. Tools once available only to a professional elite are now being taken up by everyday citizens. Just as weblogs brought millions of people into the media ecosystem, so too are new tools empowering individuals to create video, audio, playlists, and other works of personal media and to share them with a global audience.
The personal media revolution is turning visual. Digital stories, video diaries, documentary journalism, home-brew political ads, music videos, fan films, Flash animations, student films, parodies of Hollywood films — all kinds of short multimedia works have begun to flower. Alas, the most compelling ones are scattered across the Web or hidden away on thousands of PCs, laptops and closed networks. These works deserve a wider audience. is an open source media project that seeks to expose, preserve, and advance works of grassroots creativity (chiefly, but not limited to, amateur video). Individuals, communities and organizations have begun telling digital stories that enthrall, entertain and often move audiences to take positive action. Plain text or the cool detachment of “objective” media do not come close to matching the emotional power of multimedia stories laced with personal narrative.
Open Media is three things in one:
• an open-source platform to bring personal media to the desktop;
• a destination Web site, to launch soon at;
• eventually, it will evolve into a not-for-profit organization dedicated to advancing amateur, hobbyist, semi-professional, and professional visual works and other media.
Unlike other initiatives that are pure-play stand-alone Web sites, Open Media’s vision is to bring personal media to millions of desktops through playlists, video jukeboxes, visual albums, and built-in media libraries. Ther epository will run the gamut from Creative Commons-licensed works to public domain works to fully copyrighted works.
Brewster Kahle and his Internet Archive are supporting this project with free storage and bandwidth for grassroots video works. Why a visual repository? will serve as a central resource to bring grassroots video under one umbrella; it will serve as a learning toolkit on how to create rich and compelling works; it will serve as a community space; and it will serve as an archive so that these works are preserved for the ages. For those who grant permission, it will also serve as a clearinghouse that allows others to search for video, download it, and reuse or remix it, with proper attribution.
Supporting this project are thought leaders in the creative community, technologists, educators, and digital-preservation librarians. Rather than relying on a paid staff, the goal is to build a do-it-yourself platform that lets users anywhere in the world upload material, download shareable media, rank their favorite works, and offer commentary and tutorials. All for free.
Over time, we expect to grow into the world’s largest repository of home-brew media.
Marc and I brought up Open Media at the AlwaysOn conference last month, and promised a public unveiling of the proposal. So here it is.
Ross Mayfield of Socialtext was kind enough to set us up with a private wiki last week so that invited participants can begin hammering out schemas, APIs and UIs. If you’re interested in joining, just let me know. In the weeks and months ahead, we hope to enlist thought leaders and key players in the technology, creative, legal, education, and library communities. Creative Commons and the Internet Archive will play indispensable roles in the effort.
We still have a lot to do, and it’s too early to say where all this is heading. I hope it plays a part in helping to kick-start the visual Web.
JD Lasica, founder of Inside Social Media, is also a fiction author and the co-founder of the cruise discovery engine Cruiseable. See his About page, contact JD or follow him on Twitter.
Weblogsky says
Got a note from J.D. Lasica about The Open Source Media Project, with a pointer to Marc Canter's notes on implementation:First we'll start off with upload sites – which will enable folks to start getting their stuff into the…
Read/Write Web says
Open Media is an Open Source Media Project launched today by Marc Canter and J.D. Lasica. It's going to be like the Internet Archive, only for multimedia files. In fact Brewster Kahle of the Internet Archive (home of the The Wayback…
Read/Write Web says
Open Media is an Open Source Media Project launched today by Marc Canter and J.D. Lasica. It's going to be like the Internet Archive, only for multimedia files. In fact Brewster Kahle of the Internet Archive (home of the The Wayback…
unmediated says
Home-brew media sites (More Open Media)
As part of the Open Media project, we're looking to collaborate with sites that work primarily in the area of grassroots video. In addition to participatory media sites like unmediated (see the “open media” blogroll) and efforts like Creative Commons, …
unmediated says
Home-brew media sites (More Open Media)
As part of the Open Media project, we're looking to collaborate with sites that work primarily in the area of grassroots video. In addition to participatory media sites like unmediated (see the “open media” blogroll) and efforts like Creative Commons, … says
eBooks for Open Media? is an Open Source Media Project launched this week by Marc Canter and J.D. Lasica. It's going to be like the Internet Archive, only for multimedia files. J.D. described Open Media as “an open source media project that seeks… says
eBooks for Open Media? is an Open Source Media Project launched this week by Marc Canter and J.D. Lasica. It's going to be like the Internet Archive, only for multimedia files. J.D. described Open Media as “an open source media project that seeks… says
eBooks for Open Media? is an Open Source Media Project launched this week by Marc Canter and J.D. Lasica. It's going to be like the Internet Archive, only for multimedia files. J.D. described Open Media as “an open source media project that seeks… says
eBooks for Open Media? is an Open Source Media Project launched this week by Marc Canter and J.D. Lasica. It's going to be like the Internet Archive, only for multimedia files. J.D. described Open Media as “an open source media project that seeks…
underthesun says
Open Media: The Open Source Media Project
Open Media: The Open Source Media Project A really interesting project has been announced by J D Lasica and Marc Canter who are two instigators of the project. One of the impacts of the internet is that individuals with access to a computer can produce…
underthesun says
Open Media: The Open Source Media Project
A really interesting project has been announced by J D Lasica and Marc Canter who are two instigators of the project. One of the impacts of the internet is that individuals with access to a computer can produce and quickly publish material for a global…
Mind Tracks says
Open Media: The Open Source Media Project
A really interesting project has been announced by J D Lasica and Marc Canter who are two instigators of the project. One of the impacts of the internet is that individuals with access to a computer can produce and quickly…
A Copyfighter's says
Unveiling of the Open Media Project
Do go check out JD Lasica's and Marc Canter's posting about the Open Media project.
Digital Bicycle says
I'm testing my trackbackrom the unmediated blog comes this schematic for an open-media distribution system that would allow for the sharing of creative commons, archival and other media in a distributed system. There is great opportunity to leverage …
Digital Bicycle says
>From the unmediated blog comes this schematic for an open-media distribution system that would allow for the sharing of creative commons, archival and other media in a distributed system. There is great opportunity to leverage these systems for the u…
tm's house pad says
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tm's house pad says
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éäºè¨±ä¹ æ²æ³¨æéæ¼åªé«ãèæ ¹æ°ä¸»èæ°ç§æçè°é¡ï¼ä»å¤©å¾ Dan Gillmor ç “We the Media”ç網ç«ä¸çå°ä¸äºæ°çè¨ç«èé£çµï¼å é ææå®æ´çèµ·ä¾ï¼æ¹ä¾¿é²ä¸æ¥…
Infothought says
Open Media
Worth watching, even if just to see what happens with sexual material and/or claims of copyright infringement
Infothought says
Open Media
Worth watching, even if just to see what happens with sexual material and/or claims of copyright infringement
eCuaderno v.2.0 says The Open Source Media Project
La creacion de un vasto repositorio en linea de contenidos de libre acceso es el objetivo de la iniciativa The Open Source Media Project.
PJNet Today says
Who Do You Trust in Online Media? Fellow Citizens?
J.D. Lasica, who earlier this week made his idea public, today has a must read article at the Online Journalism Review, asking who do you trust in the online media. Jeff Jarvis, a blogger and president of Advance Internet,…
MySpareBrain says
This looks like a really interesting project, that is being set up by JD Lasica and Marc Canter, which aims to open up repositories of Public Domain and Creative Commons materials as well as setting up a huge repository of…
RG News says
Open Source Media Repository For Creative Content Creators: Open Media
J D Lasica & Marc Canter…
RG News says
Open Source Media Repository For Creative Content Creators: Open Media
J D Lasica & Marc Canter…
Om Malik on Broadban says
Revolution will be blogged!
Are Blogs worth the hype? was the headline for a special package C/Net put out last week. Made me think – are they really worth the hype? Or was this an old-new-media company wondering out aloud about its waning…
Om Malik on Broadban says
Revolution will be blogged!
Are Blogs worth the hype? was the headline for a special package C/Net put out last week. Made me think – are they really worth the hype? Or was this an old-new-media company wondering out aloud about its waning…
Om Malik on Broadban says
Revolution will be blogged!
Are Blogs worth the hype? was the headline for a special package C/Net put out last week. Made me think – are they really worth the hype? Or was this an old-new-media company wondering out aloud about its waning…
Om Malik on Broadban says
Revolution will be blogged!
Are Blogs worth the hype? was the headline for a special package C/Net put out last week. Made me think – are they really worth the hype? Or was this an old-new-media company wondering out aloud about its waning…
IrishEyes says
Open Media
CLONMEL — We have some excellent open courseware that might be useful for newbies who want to connect to the Open Media Project being discussed by JD Lasica and Marc Canter.
eBook Culture says
eBooks for Open Media? is an Open Source Media Project launched this week by Marc Canter and J.D. Lasica. It's going to be like the Internet Archive, only for multimedia files. J.D. described Open Media as “an open source media project that seeks…
Where We're Bou says
Open Media
Ah, very cool. Some folks are creating an open source commons for digital media. Just to give you an idea here's a part of the Open Media mission statement: We are in the midst of the greatest boon in grassroots
Where We're Bou says
Open Media
Ah, very cool. Some folks are creating an open source commons for digital media. Just to give you an idea here's a part of the Open Media mission statement: We are in the midst of the greatest boon in grassroots
GoodShit says
” target=”_blank”>
New Media Musings: Open Media: The Open Source Media Project “Basically we're making sure to make it REAL easy for folks to utilize media in their everyday lives, school and work.” The goal of Open Media, really, is to foster…
Infothought says
Open Media
Worth watching, even if just to see what happens with sexual material and/or claims of copyright infringement
Edison Records says
I am looking for a place to share my cylinder recordings I make. I am a sound catcher that uses cylinder recordings to save sounds on. I make the physical wax cylilnder blanks, and build specialized recording heads, which are used on an Edison Phonograph. If you have interest let me know. I also lecture on the history of the recording industry, and recorded sound.
eCuaderno v.2.0 says The Open Source Media Project
La creacion de un vasto repositorio en linea de contenidos de libre acceso es el objetivo de la iniciativa The Open Source Media Project.
Mind Tracks says
Open Media: The Open Source Media Project
A really interesting project has been announced by J D Lasica and Marc Canter who are two instigators of the project. One of the impacts of the internet is that individuals with access to a computer can produce and quickly publish material for a global…
Mind Tracks says
Open Media: The Open Source Media Project
A really interesting project has been announced by J D Lasica and Marc Canter who are two instigators of the project. One of the impacts of the internet is that individuals with access to a computer can produce and quickly publish material for a global…
underthesun says
Open Media: The Open Source Media Project
A really interesting project has been announced by J D Lasica and Marc Canter who are two instigators of the project. One of the impacts of the internet is that individuals with access to a computer can produce and quickly publish material for a global…
eCuaderno v.2.0 says The Open Source Media Project
La creacion de un vasto repositorio en linea de contenidos de libre acceso es el objetivo de la iniciativa The Open Source Media Project.
underthesun says
Open Media: The Open Source Media Project
A really interesting project has been announced by J D Lasica and Marc Canter who are two instigators of the project. One of the impacts of the internet is that individuals with access to a computer can produce and quickly publish material for a global…
Temple says
A Website Media Launch 'Revolution' Goes FUBARThe Emperor has no pajamas
The goal of our enterprise is to bring gravitas and legitimacy to the blogosphere – from a Nov. 21 news release It’s been a long time since I laughed so hard at a sour band of fools. Last weekend…
Temple says
A Website Media Launch ‘Revolution’ Goes FUBARThe Emperor has no pajamas
The goal of our enterprise is to bring gravitas and legitimacy to the blogosphere – from a Nov. 21 news release It’s been a long time since I laughed so hard at a sour band of fools. Last weekend…