I posted five photos in this Flickr set taken at last evening’s AlwaysOn Technorati Open Media 100 reception in Menlo Park, Calif.
I posted them to Ourmedia as well, which has the advantage of allowing full-size photos for free but the disadvantage of having no sets or collections yet (we’re working on it).
Buzz Bruggeman, Valerie Cunningham and David Sifry (above — or see full-size image)
John Furrier, Nina Davis and Doug Kaye
It was great seeing everyone. I know about half of the people who were named to the list, which Tony Perkins describes this way:
AlwaysOn and Technorati are pleased to present the first annual “Open Media 100,” the power list of bloggers, social networkers, tool smiths, and investors leading the Open Media Revolution. If you fancy Vanity Fair’s annual New Establishment list of the media and IT titans who matter (like we didn’t already know), you might think of the Open Media 100 as the new, new establishment – people you may not know but probably should.
Most of the 100 or so folks who turned out were locals, and it was cool to meet Paul Martino, the co-founder of Tribe.net (who’s leaving for a new venture) and VC Steve Jurvetson, among others. Still, I was disappointed I didn’t get to meet Duncan Black (Eschaton), Eugene Volokh, the MySpace guys Tom and Chris, Jonathan Abrams from Friendster, John Hindemaker from Powerline, Andrew Sullivan and Jason Kottke. Soon, though, I hope.
Technorati tags: Open Media, Open Media 100
JD Lasica, founder of Inside Social Media, is also a fiction author and the co-founder of the cruise discovery engine Cruiseable. See his About page, contact JD or follow him on Twitter.
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