SimilarWeb — the Firefox add-on that enables users to discover related websites similar to ones they are currently visiting — has now made it simpler than ever to find similar content that relates to the user’s interests. The three new features include Similar Articles, Recent Buzz, and Mini-Mode, which allow the user to further research and organize finding websites and articles that appeal to their interest. (Disclosure: SimilarWeb is a Blonde2.0 client.)
The Similar Articles feature allows users reading an article online, to instantly receive related articles without having to leave the page they are browsing. It’s extremely useful for finding different views about your topic as well in-depth information when doing research.
The Recent Buzz feature brings users the latest buzz on twitter that relates to the topic they’re reading about. When browsing a website or article the user can receive the twitter community’s reaction about that topic.
The third new feature mini-mode will move the sidebar to a minimized designated tab on the left side of the screen. When users want to view similar sites, they simply click on the minimized tab and to expands it back to a normal size tab.
With the launching of these three new features, SimilarWeb has been able bring users all types of similar content relevant to their interests. SimilarWeb may actually substantially decrease users’ dependence on search engines in the future.
Ayelet Noff is a partner in and founder and Co-CEO of Blonde 2.0, an award winning digital PR agency with branches in Boston and Tel Aviv. Contact Ayelet via The Blonde 2.0 website , email, or follow her on Twitter and Google Plus.
Arnaldo Queiroz says
Its almost impossible you do a exclusive content nowdays , i guess this is will help all the new blogger s to avoid mistakes and put references
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