At ASPA in Las Vegas, talking about connecting communities with their government
At, we spend most of our time working with business clients, along with a number of nonprofits and educational organizations. But the type of organization is not what’s important. Developing social strategies to help people in their local communities improve their lives – that’s what jazzes our team.
So we’re excited to fly to Las Vegas this weekend to give a 90-minute Super Session at the annual conference of the American Society for Public Administration, where more than 1,200 folks from around the country will descend on the Flamingo Hotel for four days of learning and networking. Here’s the conference super-session agenda. partner Chris Abraham, co-founder of Abraham-Harrison, will be my foil and co-presenter. (We’re thinking of hitting Jaleo for tapas tomorrow night.)
We created a special Keynote presentation for our new friends at ASPA, embedded above and downloadable at SlideShare. I can’t touch on all the aspects of our talk, but highlights include:
• Discussion of why you start with a strategy, not with the tools.
• The importance of metrics, keywords and SEO.
• Success stories with Gov 2.0.
• Social media campaigns that moved the needle.
And lots more. If you’re an ASPA attendee — or even if you’re not — we’d love to hear from you.
We’ll be talking a lot more about social media and the public sector in the weeks ahead. I’m also leading a two-hour session at the state convention of the California PTA in May in Anaheim.
JD Lasica, founder of Inside Social Media, is also a fiction author and the co-founder of the cruise discovery engine Cruiseable. See his About page, contact JD or follow him on Twitter.
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