Disclaimer: Donanza is a client of my firm, Blonde 2.0, a one-stop-shop for all your social media needs.
People don’t look for jobs in the newspaper classifieds anymore. Instead, job postings are dispersed through a variety of niche networks, from groups on LinkedIn, tweets on Twitter, and widgets and search engines on a variety of sites.
While increasing the ability to network — one of the most important factors in finding a job — the growth of niche job sites can sometimes make it hard to find time to search for jobs. One often has to go to multiple sites just to find social media jobs, for example.
However, a new widget and service on SocialMedia.biz should make it easier to find social media jobs from just one website. You may have seen on the sidebar, a new widget called social media jobs. It looks like this:
This widget displays the latest jobs aggregated by Donanza. Donanza is a service that aggregates freelance jobs from all across the web — sites like oDesk, eLance, RentACoder — and makes them searchable from one central place in addition to giving you various filtering tools that really help make the process of looking for a job much less agonizing. SocialMedia.biz uses this widget so that its readers will have one central place to find freelance social media jobs. Other sites can also use Donanza’s widget to post jobs in their targeted niche.
In addition, Donanza has a white-label service that SocialMedia.biz uses. In the top navigation, there is a link to Jobs and the site http://jobs.socialmedia.biz. When you click through, you’ll find a search field that allows you to enter keywords relevant to your job search.
This powerful search tool also shows you related searches using keywords that you may have otherwise forgotten, lets you sort by budget, rate, and whether it will grant you exposure, or whether your compensation is based on revenue sharing. With thousands of jobs available, it’s extremely useful to ensure that you can target your search to show only the positions that meet your needs.
Hopefully, this tool will be useful to readers of SocialMedia.biz and it can also be implemented on other sites to help people find jobs in different verticals. It’s always great to see social media tools be used for good purposes. I think that during this time of economic downturn, helping people find a job in the specific field that interests them is a good purpose indeed.
Ayelet Noff is a partner in Socialmedia.biz and founder and Co-CEO of Blonde 2.0, an award winning digital PR agency with branches in Boston and Tel Aviv. Contact Ayelet via The Blonde 2.0 website , email, or follow her on Twitter and Google Plus.
jdlasica says
By the way, it's worth pointing out that we're doing this as a community service and not making a penny from it.