You need to spend only 20% of the time you do on your content marketing and marketing SEO than you’re doing — at least for now. Be quick, be messy, be pedestrian, maybe even turn off your Grammatik and your Autocorrect. Churn out five-times the amount of content you’ve been writing then hit publish and walk […]
search engine optimization
Promote your book with influencer marketing
Here’s a presentation on how to promote your book (or your client’s book) by engaging online influencers and targeting bloggers not on the A-List.
Don’t believe what Google tells you about search
For the vast majority of Web publishers, bloggers and businesses who just want to create content and have it read, SEO techniques still matter a great deal. So ignore what Google has been telling you and pay attention to these search techniques that still work.
Always write for Google, never for humans
To be discovered in search, you need to write the exact phrases you think people will use when they’re searching on your topic. The title and first paragraph are the most important.
Why Google Plus is more like a forum than a social network
Google Plus is not where you connect with people you know. It’s where you find birds of a feather. It’s where you can find smart folks in a bona fide online community.