I’ve posted three more draft chapters from my upcoming book Darknet: Remixing the Future of Movies, Music and Television on my Darknet blog and Darknet wiki:
Chapter 4: When Personal and Mass Media Collide (blog) (wiki)
A look at amateur filmmaking, pushback by Hollywood, and other forms of participatory media.
Chapter 5: Code Warriors (blog) (wiki)
A look at whether DivX Networks can help jump-start the personal video revolution.
Chapter 6: Cool Toys Hollywood Wants to Ban (blog) (wiki)
A look at some of the limitations being imposed on our lives in the digital age.
A reminder: I’m posting these chapters only for edits, corrects, and additional information provided by you and other users. Please don’t point to these postings for any other reason, such as discussions of the points the book is making. That will come later.
JD Lasica, founder of Inside Social Media, is also a fiction author and the co-founder of the cruise discovery engine Cruiseable. See his About page, contact JD or follow him on Twitter.
Cinema Minima says
Cinema Minima Mondays: Editorial, Opinion, Links
The most interesting reading this week is journalist J.