Photo by tantek on Flickr
Since I have become addicted to Foursquare, the location check-in service, I set out to find the best tips to get to the top of Foursquare’s leaderboard while playing fair.
Here are the top 5 tips I discovered:
1If you want to become mayor, check in to places that you know that you’ll be able to check in to frequently, as many times as possible. Didn’t find your place on Foursquare already? Add it. Don’t forget and don’t neglect — someone else may steal your mayorship from you.
2Foursquare resets its leaderboard on Sunday nights. To maximize your weekly tallies, make sure you start early in the week.
3Check in to new places — every time you do so, these grant you 5 extra points, and these can add up quickly.
4Get familiar with how to unlock your special badges and work on unlocking them. Here are two great badges lists: and
5Don’t cheat. For the sake of the community, don’t check in to places if you’re not really there. This only hurts the whole user experience on Foursquare.
Hey, Foursquare, here’s an idea for you
One feature I feel is missing in Foursquare: Once I check in to a place, I want the app to scan all my contacts and tell me the 5-10 users who are closest to my proximity at any given time. This will enable users to maximize the potential of meeting people in their network more frequently and make for a more cohesive user base.
And finally, here’s a good, short Foursquare tutorial for you:
How To Unlock Your World With Foursquare on Howcast
• Foursquare Focuses on Privacy on Eve of Expected Facebook Location Launch (Mashable)Ayelet Noff is a partner in and founder and Co-CEO of Blonde 2.0, an award winning digital PR agency with branches in Boston and Tel Aviv. Contact Ayelet via The Blonde 2.0 website , email, or follow her on Twitter and Google Plus.
@jdlasica says
Well, talk about timely:
Using [Facebook's] Places on hand-held devices like the iPhone and other smartphones, users will be able to check in, for example, at a restaurant, bar or museum, alerting their friends on Facebook of their presence. They will then be able to see, using the service, any friends that are nearby, as well as other people who have checked in at the same location and have agreed to have their location broadcast widely.…
Strictly Social says
Interestingly, Facebook seems to have found the gaps in foursquare’s service and is quickly filling them with their own Facebook places app. The three key components of Facebook’s app are said to be that it helps you share where you are, helps you find where your friends are, and discover new places around you. Furthermore, Facebook doesn’t just show you nearby places, but places it thinks are relevant to you and even more interestingly, you can “tag” friends that are with you at a specific location, so everybody doesn’t have to check-in on their own. Is Facebook’s way going to be more popular than foursquare’s?
Jerry says
I dont understand how I get ousted by someone that works with me and I check-in everyday. For example… Yesterday I finally stole the mayorship back from them and today they are able to steal it again after I checked in. How can that be? Is there a cheat? This has happened to me several times and it is kind of bothersome and makes no sense. Any suggestions on how this happens?
John says
Why do you want to be tracked? So much for the land of the free???