I’m having fun publishing text works as HTML on Ourmedia. Last week it was “Your locked-down digital future” (Ourmedia page | direct link to file on the Internet Archive).
Today, it’s “Hollywood’s visionary outcast” (Ourmedia page | direct link to file on Internet Archive). It’s from my interview with Warren Lieberfarb (above), the father of the DVD. Excerpt:
Lieberfarb is that rarest of birds: a longtime major player in Hollywood who has joined the tradition-smashing, innovation-addicted tech world. As a key consultant to the Microsoft team working on home entertainment technologies, he is putting together program ideas for an Internet that will become an increasing source of secure, full-motion, full-screen video procured from a wide range of new, independent voices.
“All this is going to bypass the broadcast and cable networks,” he says. “The whole notion that you sit at a television at a designated time and you tune in to watch what they say you watch-it’s over. It’s going to take a while, but it’s over.”
I’m publishing more and more of these articles on my own rather than deal with the hassles of the freelance machine at almost all major magazines.
Both are excerpts from my book Darknet.
JD Lasica, founder of Inside Social Media, is also a fiction author and the co-founder of the cruise discovery engine Cruiseable. See his About page, contact JD or follow him on Twitter.
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