I’m sitting at the Symposium on Social Architecture put on by Corante at Harvard Law’s Berkman Center. (See their blog.) I’m leading the session on the future of media later this afternoon, joined by Lisa Stone, Tony Kahn and Amanda Congdon of “Rocketboom.”
I’ll post just a few nuggets throughout the day:
Seth Goldstein: “Data is increasingly open, opened up through APIs.”
Seth: “We all work for Google, to the extent that we use it, we improve its algorithm.”
Someone quoted Joshua Schachter, founder of Del.icio.us, thusly:
“Tagging is about memory, not categorization” or organization.
“No rules. You take the folks out of folksonomy when you add rules.” Corporations are trying to do just that.
Technorati tags: Corante Symposium on Social Architecture, Social Architecture
JD Lasica, founder of Inside Social Media, is also a fiction author and the co-founder of the cruise discovery engine Cruiseable. See his About page, contact JD or follow him on Twitter.
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