Target audience: Marketing professionals, PR pros, brand managers, businesses, nonprofits, educators, Web publishers, journalists. Post by Andrew Lisa I‘ve talked with people who are juggling as many as 25 business profiles for Twitter alone — and these are legitimate accounts. If the nature of their business demands that they’re also wrapped up in multiple profiles […]
5 business lessons learned from hiring a virtual assistant
Sometimes lessons can come from unexpected sources. Hiring a VA provided some valuable insight as to what helps make a consultant-client relationship really tick.
9 social media predictions & business recommendations for 2013
The social media landscape has undergone enormous changes in recent years. With 2013 fast approaching, we thought this would be a good time to offer our forecasts into what the next year may hold in store for social media, mobile, social businesses and more.
Your online brand matters more than you realize
What you say about yourself online and what others say about you online will affect your business’ bottom line. The content that we and others create about us form our online identity. Read up on why reputation management is critical and how you can better protect and promote your brand.
Brands: How to cut your exposure to Facebook business risk
Many brands are boosting their investments in social business platforms, but CMOs are too often focused on next quarter’s numbers, failing to insulate themselves against platforms’ business risks. Find out how brand execs can insulate themselves by moving to make their relationships and networks portable.