If you want to tar and feather your sworn enemy online using social media, now’s the perfect time to do it! Blog, tweet, and Facebook your slander or meritless accusation; make a chastising video, post it, promote it, and kick it to viral! Turn it up to 11! If you have an axe to grind or a bee in your bonnet, and want to get sweet, sweet revenge, a once-a-year opportunity is upon you … Christmas!
We’re entering a time when most companies — and people — are ill-prepared to defend their online reputations while they’re spending every last minute of their “use it or lose it” end-of-year vacation time! Suckers! From now until some time in January.
If you’re interested in committing mischief, it’s time to put all your resources online.
Don’t worry your pretty little head, because even though 2012 is rapidly approaching, most social media monitoring and response teams are still under-staffed during the rest of the year, rarely covering nights and never covering weekends.
Now, over the holidays, these teams have gone from skeleton crews straight to the morgues. Social media monitoring dashboards across the Unites States, Canada, and Europe will be spending the Holidays alone. If everyone’s going to disappear into the mountains to ski, south to the beach to swim, or just to their families to sip nog and sing carols, nobody’s going to be minding what anyone’s going to be saying about them online.
So, if you’re even just a little bit brave, you’ll land all your punches and get that dramatic KO. Everyone has a glass jaw during the holidays after lots of nog, mulled wine, turkey-based tryptophan, and time to relax.
Enjoy the holidays everyone, and have a merry Christmas!Chris Abraham is a partner in Socialmedia.biz. Contact Chris via email, follow him on Twitter and Google Plus or leave a comment below.
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