Both services are versatile, but WP has pulled ahead

People still ask us all the time which blogging platform they should use. (Micro-answer: It depends on what’s important to you.) A few weeks back the team here stared down the issue ourselves when we made the decision to switch from TypePad to WordPress.
Why did we do it? Let me explain.
First, a word of praise for TypePad. I began blogging in May 2001 after interviewing Dave Winer, Doc Searls and Dan Gillmor on the subject for this piece in OJR. They looked like they were not only having fun but doing something that mattered. So I started on a Manila blog, switched to MovableType, and then became one of TypePad’s early customers when Ben and Mena Trott of Six Apart rolled out what was then the Mercedes Benz of blogging platforms.
By that time I was fairly comfortable with CSS and Advanced Templates, so the cookie-cutter offerings of Blogger or LiveJournal never appealed to me. Besides, my blog was evolving from personal commentary about media to a business focus on social media, and I rechristened New Media Musings as in 2005. TypePad gave me the ability to design a slick-looking blog with rich, archived content and even some third-party doohickeys in the sidebar.
But over at WordPress, a revolution was brewing — and finally reached the point where I could no longer ignore its pull. In, Matt Mullenweg (pictured above) offered a free, open source platform that thousands of developers were coding for. (We opted for self-hosting rather than the hosted version.) Somewhere between 2007 and 2008, WP became not only comparable to TypePad, but better. Not because of Matt’s coding prowess, but because of the power of crowdsourced development. I now find myself attending WordPress Camps, alongside BarCamps, Social Media Camps and other open media efforts born of my involvement with
Comparison: TypePad vs. WordPress
Where development had seemingly largely stopped at TypePad until recently, WordPress was regularly rolling out new versions — and version 2.7 is now the muscle car of its class.
Where TypePad’s users were dependent on the hosting service to roll out new improvements, WordPress opened the door to thousands of useful, inventive plug-ins that would overwhelm any topdown roadmap. Plug-ins (more than 4,200) have sprung up that give blog operators an amazing array of programming choices: add a poll, enable users to get comment notifications by email, show off news briefs, build out your own blog community and thousands of other options.
Where TypePad’s comments system was a daily ordeal — bogged down by spammers and a kludgy captcha system — WordPress’s community-powered Akismet brought the Neighborhood Watch hammer down on those knuckleheads. Akismet is the most sleek and beautiful plug-in ever devised.
Where TypePad made you hunt and peck to search for an entry when you wanted to update it, WordPress has a super-useful “Edit this” link attached to each post when the author is logged in. (Manila, my first blog service, had this a decade ago, which makes its absence on TypePad all the stranger.)
Where TypePad was still chiefly focused on type, WordPress enabled a raft of multimedia-rich themes, like the ElegantThemes theme we’re using here. At, we want to create a blog you can use, not just read.
Where TypePad has had some odd twists — some of my category pages ran hundreds of items on a single page, replaced by a category system that made the older items largely invisible); when reposting material from the Web, TypePad inserts tons of extraneous html characters; and TypePad briefly had a screwy system of generating urls that included the entire first sentence of a post in the url — WordPress lets you slice and dice your content every which way, cleanly. (Disclosure: I remain grateful to the folks at Six Apart, who no doubt subsidized the bandwidth costs of my blog and its 10,500 entries over the years, even as I paid the annual premium subscription fee.)
And now, with a small team of social media experts joining the fold here, WordPress just feels right for a collaborative effort of this kind — and for corporate solutions. TypePad remains a strong choice for individuals starting their first blog.
If there’s a downside to WordPress, it can be this: Given all the cool things you can do — all the gleaming eye candy — you may be tempted to do too much. We’re fighting that impulse, as we want to take advantage of some of those thousands of other cool plug-ins out there while keeping a watchful eye on site performance. is still a work in progress. But we’ve found our platform, and expect to stick with WordPress for a long, long time.
JD Lasica, founder of Inside Social Media, is also a fiction author and the co-founder of the cruise discovery engine Cruiseable. See his About page, contact JD or follow him on Twitter.
Great info! WordPress is somewhat temperamental, but good to know we're on the right path… Our evaluation of technologies was extensive – but still another opinion never hurts. Thanks again!
Thanks for sharing your experience. It paralles our own as an early Typepad subscriber.
What's not so nice about SixApart/Typepad is that they hold your URLs ransom, especially if you didn't publish under your own domain. We've rescued a lot of weblogs this year and SixApart makes it really difficult to move from Typepad to WordPress. In fact they've made it even harder in the last few weeks.
Holding people hostage is hardly a way to win friends and influence the world.