Here’s the 5-minute music video I put together for the Idea Festival called Flavors of participatory media. It shows the wide range of citizen media — videoblogs, podcasts, citizen media sites, place sites, photo sharing sites, mash-ups — and carries a message: There’s far more to this revolution than lip syncing on YouTube. (Ourmedia page | watch video)
Format: MPEG-4 (iPod compatible); 13MB; 5:01; Ourmedia page | watch video; video quality: ** (out of 5)
JD Lasica, founder of Inside Social Media, is also a fiction author and the co-founder of the cruise discovery engine Cruiseable. See his About page, contact JD or follow him on Twitter.
steve garfield says
That was great. Nice to see the variety. Look for Lisa Williams Placeblogger
Comming soon.
Jonny Goldstein says
Hey JD,
Thought provoking video. It’s cool to see a sampling of various kinds of participatory media.