The Intel Insiders program just marked its first anniversary, so it’s worth mentioning a few highlights over the past year. We advise Intel on social media matters. (I wrote about the program at its launch a year ago and posted this disclosure statement.)
I’m glad to see Intel taking out an even greater public presence this year, with its co-sponsorship of PBS’s NewsHour and its deepening commitment to educational and charitable efforts around the globe. Some highlights for me:
• Trading ideas and comparing notes with some of the other Insiders, including Tom Foremski and Sarah Austin (both of whom will be part of the Traveling Geeks trip to London July 4-11), Cathy Brooks, Justine Ezarik, Brian Solis, Frank Gruber, Adriana Gascoigne and others. Intel is the chief underwriter of the Traveling Geeks trip, and I hope to post a few dispatches on their site during the trip.
• Our interview with Intel chairman and former CEO Craig Barrett. Here’s our video interview with him at the Consumer Electronics Show earlier this year where he talks about corporate social repsonsibility. The following day he announced a wide-ranging new initiative by Intel to support the philanthropic micro-lending efforts of and the nonprofit charity Save the Children all across the globe.
• Here’s my one-minute Animoto remix of my photo gallery of CES, set to a wicked soundtrack. (Intel paid for my trip to CES.) Which reminds me … I need to use Animoto more often!
• Here’s my interview with Intel Senior VP Eric B. Kim about the coming convergence of television and the social Web — what Intel and Yahoo! are calling the Cinematic Internet (possible redubbed Widget Channel since then), conducted at the Intel Developers Forum.
• And here’s that pretty funny Intel commercial Our rock stars aren’t like your rock stars.
Ken E. Kaplan, our primary contact at Intel, shares stories from some of his favorite activities with the Insiders so far: And Christine Ngo, who’s been helping with the Traveling Geeks trip, also offers up her thoughts on the Ogilvy PR blog.
I just re-upped for another year, so looking forward to more enterprise adventures in the year ahead.
JD Lasica, founder of Inside Social Media, is also a fiction author and the co-founder of the cruise discovery engine Cruiseable. See his About page, contact JD or follow him on Twitter.
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