I’ve missed quite a lot of action in the past week or so, given the near-death experience of my PC 11 days ago. (We’re a joint PC-Mac household, so things weren’t as dire as it might have been.) Behind on a lot of stuff, so I’ll post some quick items here:
iDay 2003
I attended iDay 2003 in Palo Alto Feb. 8, along with a crowd of 150 or so other Mac users who wanted insider tips on how to make the most of Apple’s digital suite: iTunes, iPhoto, iMovie and iDVD. Jim Heid, author of The Macintosh Digital Hub, handled most of the sessions, and was joined by Steve Broback, president of Avondale Media. Picked up quite a few tricks. Joe Lambert, head of the Center for Digital Storytelling. also captivated the audience with his rap on how we’ve all got important personal stories to tell. As soon as I’m finished with this manuscript, I’ll be diving big-time into iMovie and iDVD.
Geek Cruise
One of the items in our iDay goodie bag was a brochure to sign up for a Geek Cruise. There, in full color on the cover, was our very own Doc Searls with his fellow geeks on last year’s cruise. (Here’s an image of the brochure cover.) This year the cruise ship is bound for Oahu, Maui, Kauai and Fanning Island. Glenn F., who joined Doc last year, is one of the speakers. Cost? $1,000 for the course and cruise rates ranging from $1,100 to $1,850, depending on cabin.
Larry Lessig
Three days later I returned to Palo Alto to interview Larry Lessig in his office at Stanford for my upcoming book on intellectual property and digital rights. Had a good, engaging and provocative 80-minute Q&A. He’s brilliant on this subject, of course. I’ll try to post the session sometime in the next few months. The timing depends partly on how much of the conversation winds up in the book.
Google & Pyra
Been following the news about Google’s purchase of Pyra and its Blogger software. Dan broke the story, I believe, on his blog Saturday night, and he’s got a million pointers at the bottom of his entry. This could be huge, portentous news for the blog community, though it also presents delicate issues for Google, as Dave W. points out. And OJR’s Glaser Online has a new column up, Google + Blogger = Mainstream Weblog Acceptance?
Speaking of Dan, I just found out a few days ago that Dan will be on the same panel as I am (for about the fifth time), this one on Old media vs. new forms of journalism like blogging, at SXSW next month. More anon.
She’s the She in SheNews
Sheila, per usual, has a host of blog-yummy items, ranging from Bono’s nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize and the sad saga of Bob Greene to Salon’s interview with Molly Ivins.
JD Lasica, founder of Inside Social Media, is also a fiction author and the co-founder of the cruise discovery engine Cruiseable. See his About page, contact JD or follow him on Twitter.
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