Porter’s new book, “Your Network Is Your Net Worth,” suggests a new approach to social networking, one based on helping others, offering value, creating partnerships, finding influencers and creating content — whether that’s a blog post, a video interview or a brainstorming session to solve a problem.
social networking
New to Twitter? 18 tips for newbies
Just getting started with Twitter? Learn the ins and outs of the Twittersphere with these 18 tips for newbies.
You can now post images and photos directly to Twitter.com
You can now share a photo directly through Twitter by uploading your photos to Twitter.com instead of through TwitPic, yfrog, Twitgoo or img.ly. Check out the site’s newest offering.
Social businesses: Glimmers of a macro trend
Social Business Design (CC image by Dachis Group) Annual look at the best strategies, tactics, case studies & insights in the enterprise space Compared to 2009 and 2008, the past year was a relatively calm one because the amplitude of market gyrations clearly diminished and businesses began to find a new floor on which to […]
17 visionaries predict impact of social on the enterprise
The adoption of Web 2.0 and social networking accelerated significantly over the past year, and it shows no sign of stopping. Here are perspectives of highly experienced execs who share their thoughts on how Web 2.0 is changing their businesses and mindsets.