The most exciting aspect about tech, for me at least, is the exponential nature of technological change. We can see this in the big tech changes of the past 100 years. A century ago, the big technological change came from the invention of cars and planes, 70 years ago it was TV, 40 years ago […]
How to use Vine for video marketing
Vine is a powerful video platform based on the concept of Twitter. Follow this guide of do’s and don’ts to making sure your Vine video sings for your brand or business.
How do you get everyone to watch your video?
I’m at Streaming Media West this week in Los Angeles covering the event for Ignite Technologies, a content delivery network for distribution of video within the enterprise. For more of Ignite’s coverage from Streaming Media West, check out Ignite’s blog.
While taking a boat cruise during the Streaming Media West conference in Los Angeles, I asked the invited guests what they would do if they really wanted everyone to watch their video.
Highlights from ad:tech New York 2009
I just finished up my second day of reporting at ad:tech in New York for ad:tech, a conference about the digital side of the advertising industry. The event happens ten times a year all over the world and I last reported on the event for ad:tech in San Francisco. At this year’s New York conference […]
Is the Internet making us more ethical?
Ethics of cultural collaboration from JD Lasica on Vimeo. Rita J. King, a senior fellow at the Carnegie Council and CEO of Dancing Ink Productions, talks about the ethics of cultural collaboration in this 10-minute video interview immediately after her appearance at the 140 Character Conference on Twitter in New York on June 17. Our […]